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Art for Business

Where creativity meets excellence

Who we are

Africa Reimagined

Art for Business is a PR and communications solution that incorporates the promotion of African visual arts as a medium to shape narratives around doing business in key markets in Africa.


Is a marketing tool kit for organizations, public sector actors, private enterprises and entities looking for a more creative approach to attracting effective trade investments or project opportunities to accomplish their goals and objectives towards the continent.


Founded by the creative minds Sarah Laaru and Esther Osalenlen Adu. The team behind AfB shares a passion for arts, communication and combined professional experiences in PR, marketing, business development, legal and branding.

Colorful Paints
Dusk Portrait

Art with Impact 

Our Approach

The traditional format of business seminars/conferences has failed to encapsulate the dynamism and spirit of young enterprise that is ensuing in key emerging markets on the African continent. Key sectors remain endowed with over-investment, despite abundant opportunities in emerging and non-traditional industries led by and for Africans. 
We aim to change this by reshaping the narrative on how one should invest with impact in Africa through a creative medium.

Meet Our Team



Co-founder and Business Advisor

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Co-founder and International Business Legal Expert



Communications and PR Expert

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